Make It Meaningful Membership

Create the Relationships YOU Desire and Live the Happiness YOU Deserve


"Welcome to the "Make it Meaningful" Membership


Have you wondered if your marriage or other relationships can be better? It Can!!! We should never settle for “good enough”, mediocre, or bad relationships. Our relationships are directly related to our happiness, are they not? So don't settle for anything less than AMAZING! You deserve absolute joy, even when life is challenging and might seem hopeless at times.

“Make It Meaningful” is a state-of-the-art monthly membership coaching program that will guide and challenge you to learn and utilize your own thinking and self-actualization through the groundbreaking Self-Coaching Model.

Each month, through weekly progression you will master varying marriage, intimacy, and relationship topics that will help you unlock more and more joy - as you understand yourself and your marriage more deeply.


This membership will help you to vitalize your individual life, your marriage, and everything else related to your relationships. I like to think of it as encouraging you and teaching you how to BASK and to BLOOM.

To bask means to revel in and make the most of something. It also means to be exposed to warmth and light, and finally, to take pleasure in something and to enjoy the attention and good feelings expressed.

When something is in bloom, it is in a state or time of beauty, freshness, and vigor. It is a time to flourish, to shine, and to mature into the achievement of its potential. When a flower is in bloom, it is often a time of high development, appearing more remarkable, and becoming more fully expressed.

Only $39/month USD



The “Make It Meaningful” membership includes all that is described above, including access to a constantly growing library of incredible resources for members only, and discounts to events and future courses and other resources. The “Make It Meaningful” membership includes the following free courses, with more to come:

  • The Emotional Intimacy Effect: Intimacy Beyond Sex. This is a 6 Module Course that sells on its own for $97. Learn more here.
  • Restoring Intimacy Mini Course. This mini course will jump start your new understanding of how to think about intimacy and talk to your spouse about intimacy. Learn more here.
  • Relationship Enhancement Program. These courses are built on the elements of the world-renown SYMBIS Assessment. They are designed for husband and wife. This program was originally part of our First Night First Year Course—to help newly married couples establish proven habits, clarify accountability and expectations, and to teach advanced communication skills over the course of the first year of marriage (said by some to be the hardest). By popular demand, and because it’s never too late to learn how to be a better spouse, and because every year of marriage can be hard, we are now offering this course to all married couples. These courses include communication helps, date night ideas, and video coaching that you can watch at your own pace, in your own home. This course sells on its own for $97.
  •  Adventures with the Holy Ghost. This course will help you better understand your relationship with the Holy Ghost and will highlight your personal, spiritual insight with the help of the practicality of the Self-Coaching Model. This is a 12-lesson course that will give you new perspectives on living your life by choosing your thoughts and clearing your mind to better hear the Spirit of the Lord and apply His wisdom in your life. 



Your membership will also include:

  • Weekly emails for members only
  • a library of documents and recommendations for enhanced learning.
  • DISCOUNTS on ALL live events, retreats, and conferences
  • DISCOUNTS on courses and programs that are not part of this membership, such as the SYMBIS Assessment and Report, and the First Night First Year Program. Learn More Here.


This membership is designed for engaged, newly married, more mature, and the most weathered married couples (EVEN THE MOST BEAUTIFUL, COMMITTED, REFINED AND EXPERIENCED). This membership is also beneficial to those who are currently single and want to improve themselves, their relationships with friends and family, and even prepare for more serious romantic relationships in the future. Everyone is on their own path and submersed in their own journey. Let us help you improve IT—no matter where you are or even where your spouse is relative to your ideal path or journey.


Once you join the “Make It Meaningful” membership you will have access to the initial Welcome Package that includes a special virtual class that will explain the membership, access to all the benefits explained above, and the Self-Coaching Model that will be used throughout all the membership topics. Every topic we cover in the 5 categories will allow us to apply our newly acquired knowledge and skills to ourselves, our spirit, and our spouse. You will love the way you feel as you do the work. So will your husband/wife.


All of this for only $39/month!!! What are you waiting for? Sign up today and begin to “Make It Meaningful” as you bask and bloom toward your most beautiful, adventurous, and bountiful life. 


You really can have the emotional and physical intimacy you want, start today!